JinGuang Blog


把「终端下的 Vim」作为 macOS Finder 的打开方式

Open file with terminal Vim from the macOS Finder

我的日常主力编辑器主要是: (Neo)Vim Spacemacs (via Emacs-plus) Visual Studio Code IntelliJ IDEA 这里面只有 (Neo)Vim 是存活在终端中的(我并不在终端内使用 Emacs),而由于我日常主要是从终端(via iTerm)来使用电脑,所以会把他们都加入到 $PATH 里以方便从终端中唤起,VSCo...

Vim 与中文输入法

Using Vim with non-english input method

Update: 我最后还是放弃把 Vim 作为主要编辑器来输入中文了,整体使用下来 mental model 的 cost 太重了。记笔记时用用中文呀或者改改博客时偶尔用一下还蛮去,这个时候这个功能至少能帮助你 Esc 之后不煞笔,所以也不算完全没有价值吧…… 我相信很多中文世界的 Vimer 都遇到过这个烦恼,在 vim 的 insert 模式时可能突然想输个中文,输完之后会本能的...

My Spacemacs Workflow

From Vim to Spacemacs

Emacs tend to provide a good support for functional programming languages. Indeed, many FP language community exclusively use Emacs and give only first-party IDE supports to Emacs, such as Coq, Agd...

Data Representation - Floating Point Numbers


In the last episode we talked about the data representation of integer, a kind of fixed-point numbers. Today we’re going to learn about floating-point numbers. Floating-point numbers are used to a...

Data Representation - Integer


Integers, or whole number from elemental mathematics, are the most common and fundamental numbers used in the computers. It’s represented as fixed-point numbers, contrast to floating-point number...

Peter John Landin

「计算机科学偶像」- 彼得·约翰·兰丁

wiki 维基 I was long curious about how does λ calculus become the foundation of formalizaing programming languages. It’s strange that I haven’t look up the answer until today: It’s i...